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Docking Portal

When two or more platforms need to integrate or embed with each other, user system integration is usually required. During the process of user system integration, the Docking Portal mainly provides SSO (Single Sign-On) capability. If you want to integrate DCE 5.0 as a user source into a client platform, you can achieve it by docking a product through Docking Portal .

Docking a product

Prerequisite: Administrator privileges for the platform or IAM Owner privileges for access control.

  1. Log in with an admin, navigate to Access Control , select Docking Portal , enter the Docking Portal list, and click Create SSO Profile in the upper right corner.

    Create SSO Profile button

  2. On the Create SSO Profile page, fill in the Client ID.

    Create SSO Profile

  3. After successfully creating the SSO access, in the Docking Portal list, click the just created Client ID to enter the details, copy the Client ID, Secret Key, and Single Sign-On URL information, and fill them in the client platform to complete the user system integration.

    Docking Portal Details
