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Upgrade DCE 5.0 Modules

The upgrade of DCE 5.0 modules involves upgrading the product functionality modules and the infrastructure modules of DCE 5.0.

DCE 5.0 consists of several sub-modules, including container management, global management, insight, and more. These are primarily defined in the components section of the manifest.yaml file.

The components specific to the infrastructure modules of DCE 5.0 are defined in the infrastructures section of the manifest.yaml file.


Offline Upgrade Steps

This demonstration shows how to upgrade from v0.8.0 to v0.9.0. Currently, when upgrading from a lower version to v0.9.0, it is necessary to upgrade both the product functionality modules and the infrastructure modules of DCE 5.0 in order to make use of the high availability feature of the istio-gateway component.

Step 1: Download the v0.9.0 Offline Package

You can download the latest version from the Download Center.

CPU Architecture Version Download Link
AMD64 v0.9.0 Download Link
ARM64 v0.9.0 Download Link

After downloading, extract the offline package. For example, for the AMD64 architecture:

tar -xvf offline-v0.9.0-amd64.tar

Step 2: Configure clusterConfig.yaml


  • Make sure that the cluster configuration file is consistent with the parameters used during installation.
  • Currently, only the builtin method of imagesAndCharts has been tested.

The file is located under the offline/sample directory after extracting the offline package. Refer to the following sample configuration:

kind: ClusterConfig
  clusterName: my-cluster
    type: metallb 
    istioGatewayVip: 172.30.**.**/32 
    insightVip: 172.30.**.**/32      
    - nodeName: "g-master1" 
      ip: 172.30.**.**
      ansibleUser: "root"
      ansiblePass: "*****"
    - nodeName: "g-worker1"
      ip: 172.30.**.**
      ansibleUser: "root"
      ansiblePass: "*****"
    - nodeName: "g-worker2"
      ip: 172.30.**.**
      ansibleUser: "root"
      ansiblePass: "*****"

  fullPackagePath: "/home/installer/offline"
    type: builtin
    isoPath: "/home/installer/CentOS-7-x86_64-DVD-2207-02.iso"
    osPackagePath: "/home/installer/os-pkgs-centos7-v0.4.4.tar.gz"
    type: builtin

    type: builtin  

Step 3: Configure manifest.yaml (Optional)

The file is located under the offline/sample directory after extracting the offline package.

Configure DCE 5.0 Functionality Modules

The components specific to modules of DCE 5.0 are defined in the components section of the manifest.yaml file. If you don't want to upgrade certain product components, you can disable them. For example, if you want to skip the upgrade for Kpanda (container management), use the following configuration:

      enable: false
      helmVersion: 0.17.0

Configure DCE 5.0 Infrastructure Modules

The components specific to the infrastructure modules of DCE 5.0 are defined in the infrastructures section of the manifest.yaml file. For example, the following configuration is for the hwameiStor component in the infrastructure module:

      enable: true
      version: v0.10.4
      policy: drbd-disabled


Currently, only the upgrade of product components that are already installed in the current environment is supported. Non-existent components will be skipped during the upgrade process.

Step 4: Start the Upgrade

Upgrade DCE 5.0 Functionality Modules

Run the upgrade command:

./offline/dce5-installer cluster-create -c ./offline/sample/clusterConfig.yaml -m ./offline/sample/manifest.yaml --upgrade gproduct

Upgrade DCE 5.0 Infrastructure Modules

Run the upgrade command:

./offline/dce5-installer cluster-create -c ./offline/sample/clusterConfig.yaml -m ./offline/sample/manifest.yaml --upgrade infrastructure

Explanation of upgrade parameters:

  • install-app or cluster-create: Represents the installation mode type of DCE 5.0. If the initial environment was installed using cluster-create, use this command for the upgrade as well.
  • --upgrade can be abbreviated as -u, currently supporting upgrades for:
    • DCE 5.0 product modules (gproduct)
    • Infrastructure modules (infrastructure)
    • Local storage modules (hwameistor)
    • Middleware modules (middleware)
  • To upgrade both the product functionality modules and the infrastructure modules together, specify the parameter --upgrade infrastructures,gproduct.
  • The installer v0.12.0 introduces support for the --multi-arch parameter. This parameter is mainly used when there are multiple architecture images in the current environment. By adding this parameter during the upgrade process, it prevents overwriting of existing multi-architecture images.

Step 5: A message shows your installation is successful

